On the recipients page you can import your mailing lists as CSV. It is now possible to upload different formats of CSV files, whether they are Comma, Semicolon or Tab-separated. We will also do a sanity check on the email address and skip malformed emails. The only mandatory field is the email-address now.
On the recipient page, you are now able to filter not only for audiences but also for blacklisted recipients or for recipients by their opt-in status.
On the report page within the feedback section or the detailed event lists, you can hover the recipient and see an edit icon. On click you can quickly edit the recipient and add some details.
Recipients can unsubscribe and opt out of the email list. Now they can also give a reason in a free form text field. This is optional for the recipient. You can see these reasons in the campaign report, where the recipient unsubscribed by clicking on the number of Opt-Outs.
On the account page within the promotion settings section, you can now define a Reply-To E-Mail-Address. This email address is used in all your campaign emails to your recipients. If a recipient hits the reply button now in its mailer, the reply-email will automatically be sent to this reply-to email address.
In the report, you can now hit the refresh button to load the latest real-time data, without reloading the whole application or page.